Rick Nouwen

I am a Dutch linguist at Utrecht University, where I am associate professor at the Department of Languages, Literature and Communication. I am a lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Linguistics. I'm a member of the computational linguistics group.
Contact: Rick Nouwen, TLC, Universiteit Utrecht, Trans 10, NL-3512JK, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Email: r.w.f.nouwen AT uu DOT nl
Teaching materials
Lecture Notes on Formal Languages. Entry-level text on formal languages, for first year bachelor course.
Probabilistic Linguistic Meaning. Introduction to underpinnings of probabilistic approaches to semantics and pragmatics, originally intended for master students linguistics.
Research output
2025, Wong, H.M., Nouwen, R., Gatt, A. VAQUUM: Are vague quantifiers grounded in visual data?. arXiv:2502.11874
2025, Schmitz, T., Nouwen, R., Dotlacil, J. Memory Retrieval in Discourse: Illusions of Coherence during Presupposition Resolution. Accepted for publication in Journal of Memory & Language.
2024, Winkowski, J., Nouwen, R., Dotlacil, J. Searching for semantic distance effects. Glossa Psycholinguistics 3(1).
2024, Nouwen, Meiosis and hyperbole as scalar phenomena. To appear in Liefke et al. Sinn und Bedeutung 28.
2024, Nouwen, The semantics and probabilistic pragmatics of deadjectival intensifiers, Semantics & Pragmatics 17 (2).
2024, Schmitz, T., Winkowski, J., Hoeks, M., Nouwen, R., & Dotlacil, J. Semantic accessibility and interference in pronoun resolution. Glossa Psycholinguistics (3)(1).
2022, Nouwen, Unknown numbers. To appear in Gotzner & Sauerland (eds.) In: Measurements, Numerals and Scales. Short paper on summative readings of numerals.
2020, Bylinina & Nouwen, Numeral Semantics. Language and Linguistic Compass.
2020, Alexandropoulou, Bylinina & Nouwen, Is there any licensing in non-DE contexts?. Sinn und Bedeutung 24.
2020, Nouwen, Keyboard accessible notation? Short discussion piece.
2020, Janssen, Nouwen, Overvliet, Adriaans, Stuit, Deoskar and Harvey, Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Teaching in the Utrecht Artificial Intelligence Program: Why and How?. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 10.1109/MPRV.2020.2977741.
2020, Nouwen, E-type pronouns: congressmen, sheep and paychecks. The Companion to Semantics. Wiley.
2020, Berghoff, Nouwen, Bylinina & McNabb, Degree modification across categories in Afrikaans. Linguistic Variation 20(1)
2019, Nouwen, Scalar vagueness regulation and locative reference. Snippet on granularity and precision regulation in the semantics of the locative indexical 'here'. Snippets 37.
ms, Blok, Bylinina, Nouwen, Splitting Germanic negative indefinites. We explore a new view on split scope, reducing all split scope to degree quantifier movement.
ms, Nouwen, A remark on conceptual metaphor and scalarity. I suggest there may be a correspondence between scale structure and spatial metaphors used for number.
2018, Bylinina & Nouwen, On "zero" and semantic plurality, Glossa 3(1). We argue that "zero" is a proper numeral and show that this has profound consequences for semantic ontology of natural language.
2018, Nouwen, Free choice and distribution over disjunction: the case of free choice ability. Semantics & Pragmatics (11) Many approaches to free choice rely on the law of distribution over disjunction. I discuss that this has non-trivial consequences for cases of free choice ability.
2018, Nouwen, A note on positive and negative evaluative adjectives. Some notes on the contrast between being "a bit nasty" and being "?a bit nice", written for a Festschrift for Dany Jaspers.
2018, Nouwen, Alexandropoulou & McNabb, Experimental work on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Modified Numerals, In: Cummins and Katsos (eds), Handbook of Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics, OUP. We review the recent experimental approaches to the semantics and pragmatics of modified numerals.
2018, Nouwen & Dotlacil, Cumulative comparison: experimental evidence for degree cumulation. In: Castroviejo-Miro et al., The semantics of gradability, vagueness, and scale structure: experimental perspectives. We provide experimental evidence for degree pluralities by showing that comparatives may express cumulative relations between degrees.
2017, Nouwen & Dotlacil, The scope of nominal quantifiers in comparatives. Semantics & Pragmatics (10) We identify a new scope puzzle for quantifiers in comparative clauses.
2017, Nouwen, Nothing to add. Musings about a small snippet of Haskell code for an online Festschrift for Jan van Eijck.
2017, Alexandropoulou, Dotlacil, & Nouwen, Pragmatic effects of more than and at least in incremental interpretation. Semantics and Linguistic Theory 27. We investigate the incremental interpretation of comparative and superlative numeral modifiers by manipulating the speaker’s epistemic state in an eye-tracking reading experiment.
2016, Alexandropoulou, Dotlacil, & Nouwen, 'At least' ignorance inferences come at a processing cost: Support from eye movements., Semantics and Linguistic Theory 26. We present results of an eye-tracking reading study that directly probes ignorance effects of the superlative numeral modifier at least in embedding and unembedding environments.
2016, Nouwen, Brasoveanu, van Eijck & Visser, Dynamic Semantics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
2016, Dotlacil & Nouwen, The comparative and degree pluralities. Natural Language Semantics (24) We argue for an account of the comparative where comparative clauses refer to degree pluralities.
2016, Alexandropoulou, Dotlacil, McNabb & Nouwen, Pragmatic inferences with numeral modifiers: Novel experimental data. Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 25. We present two experiments that probe so-called variation effects of modified numerals that appear in the scope of a universal quantifiers.
2016, McNabb, Alexandropoulou, Blok, Bimpikou & Nouwen, The likelihood of upper-bound construals among numeral modifiers., Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 20. In this paper we show that modified numerals differ with respect to the nature of the bounds they express.
2015, Nouwen & Chernilovskaya, Two types of exclamatives. Linguistic Variation 15:2, pp. 201-224. We identify two types of wh-exclamatives: two distinct types of structures with two distinct types of scalar meaning. Languages differ with respect to which wh expressions serve in which of the two types.
2015, Nouwen, Presuppositions of superlatives with neg-raisers. Snippets I present a puzzle concerning headless superlatives like "the fastest you are allowed to drive". I show that the relative clauses in such constructions display neg-raising effects, but that these effects raise a puzzle about the presuppositions of superlatives.
2015, Nouwen, Modified numerals: the epistemic effect, Epistemic Indefinites, Oxford University Press. I explore the option of accounting for implicatures of modified numerals using an anti-specificity presupposition.
2015, Nouwen, Plurality, In: P. Dekker and M. Aloni (eds) Cambridge handbook of Semantics. Cambridge University Press. In this handbook article, I discuss plurality as a compositional phenomenon, with particular attention to distributivity, cumulativity and dependency.
2014, Nouwen, A note on the projection of appositives, Formal approaches to semantics and pragmatics: Japanese and Beyond. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, Vol. 95.
2013, Nouwen, Best nogal aardige middenmoters: de semantiek van graadadverbia van het middenbereik. (The semantics of adverbs of medium degree. In Nederlandse Taalkunde 18(2).
2011, Chernilovskaya & Nouwen, On wh-exclamatives and noteworthiness In Aloni et al.: Logic, Language and Meaning. We explore a new approach to the semantics of wh-exclamatives.
2011, Kamoen, Holleman, Nouwen, Sanders & van den Berg. Absolutely relative or relatively absolute. Journal of Pragmatics 43(13)
2011, Nouwen, Degree modifiers and monotonicity, In P. Egre and N. Klinedinst, Vagueness and Language Use, Palgrave.
2011, Nouwen, van Rooij, Sauerland & Schmitz. Introduction to Vagueness in Communication. In R. Nouwen, R. van Rooij, U. Sauerland and H-C. Schmitz (eds), Vagueness in Communication.
2010, Nouwen, Two puzzles of requirements.In Aloni, M., Bastiaanse, H., de Jager, T. and Schulz, K. (Eds.) Logic, Language and Meaning: 17th Amsterdam Colloquium. LNAI/FOLLI: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6042.
2010, Nouwen, Two kinds of modified numerals. Semantics and Pragmatics 3 (3).
2010, Nouwen, What's in a Quantifier? In M. Everaert et al. (Eds.), The Linguistic Enterprise. Linguistik Aktuell 150. Benjamins. 2009.
2008, Nouwen, Two kinds of modified numerals. In T. Solstad and A. Riester (Eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 13.
2008, Nouwen, Upperbounded no more: the exhaustive interpretation of non-strict comparison. Natural Language Semantics 16(4).
2008, Nouwen, Directionality in Numeral Quantifiers: the Case of up to. Semantics and Linguistic Theory XVIII.
2008, Nouwen, Review of MacLaury, Paramei & Dedrick (eds), Anthropology of Color: Interdisciplinary multilevel modeling. Linguist List 19.2649 2007.
2007, Geurt & Nouwen, At least et al.: the semantics of scalar modifiers. Language 83(3), pp. 533-559.
2007, Nouwen, On appositives and dynamic binding. Research on Language and Computation 5(1), pp. 87-102.
2007, Nouwen, On Dependent Pronouns and Dynamic Semantics. Journal of Philosophical Logic 36(2), pp. 123-154.
2006, Nouwen, Remarks on the polar orientation of almost. In van de Weijer, J. and Los, B. (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands, AvT publications 23, Benjamins.
2005, Nouwen, Monotone Amazement. In Dekker, Paul and Franke, Michael (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifteenth Amsterdam Colloquium, ILLC, pp. 167-172.
2005, Nouwen, Review of Bert Bultinck, Numerous Meanings, the meaning of English cardinals and the legacy of Paul Grice. Linguist List 16.3586
2005, Nouwen, Review of (Noveck and Sperber eds.) `Experimental Pragmatics'. Linguist List 16.1518
2004, Nouwen, On Dependency and Quantification in Dynamic Semantics. In: Hasida Koiti and Nitta Katsumi (Eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: Joint Proceedings of the 17th and 18th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag.
2003, Nouwen, Complement Anaphora and Interpretation. Journal of Semantics, 20.1, p.73-113
Sinn und Bedeutung. Edited with Ana Aguilar and Anna Chernilowskaya. MIT working papers in linguistics. (In progress). 2011. Linguistics in the Netherlands. Edited with Marion Elenbaas. AvT Publications 28. 2011. Vagueness in Communication. Edited with Robert van Rooij, Uli Sauerland and Hans-Christian Schmitz. LNCS/LNAI FOLLI Publications. 2010. Linguistics in the Netherlands. Edited with Jacqueline van Kampen. AvT Publications 27. 2008. Syntax and Semantics of Spatial P. Edited with Anna Asbury, Jakub Dotlacil and Berit Gehrke. Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 120. Benjamins. 2003. Plural pronominal anaphora in context. LOT publications 84. PhD thesis, Utrecht Institute for Linguistics OTS.